Sowing the Seeds of Spring!

Spring is poking her head out in between rain clouds, and the farm is slowly coming back to life after a long cold winter. We are busy getting everything ready for the season ahead, trying to rid the greenhouse of millions of tiny chickweed seedlings and planting seeds of our own. So far we’ve planted courgettes, cucumbers, turnips, beetroots, tomatoes…. and the list goes on.



If you would like to be part of our growing community and receive a share of the harvest then please get in touch via our membership page. Members receive a super fresh veg box, grown here on the Dartington Estate using ecological, no dig methods. We also encourage members to get involved in farm life through our volunteer days, educational and members events- watch this space for more updates!

Rainy days

Harvesting today for our CSA members started with a steady rain, but our team of dedicated workers carried on regardless.  We farmers being dedicated to our subscribing members is a corner stone of being a CSA farm.

First Harvest!

Hooray for our first harvest of the year!!! All the hard work is paying off once again. We couldn't do it without the commitment of our members, our volunteers, students, apprentices and Cat our long term volunteer. Thank you all!  There's just 3 places left so email if you want to sign up.

Almost xmas?!

Tuesday was another amazingly productive day, with lots of weeding, and lots of seedlings being planted out. Can you believe we planted out 10cm high Brussel Sprout seedlings? Xmas isn't far away. 😉 Below isn't a farm wedding veil, it's crop mesh to protect our babies from overzealous munching by pests.

Sowing seeds

Last week the level 2 & 3 students learned how to use our seed drill and we quickly sowed carrots, beetroot and parsnips before the weekend rains came to water them in. Thanks to our learners!